Hi, you might have noticed a new tab at the top of the website! My Wiki I have mentioned, I think, in a few posts that I have a personal wiki for my own fantasy world. It is called Aenín. I use this homebrew setting for some tidbits of writing (i might publish them here someday), as well as for my D&D campaign. It is a very useful tool and allows me to easily browse through related topics/areas of the setting, which at this point has grown...
So yeah, Life happened. If anyone is reading this (i doubt they are), they are probably wondering where I have been. My last blog post was... holy cow! january? so yeah, more than half a year ago. Well, I'll tell you about it. I started blogging after some things changed in my life. Nothing major, but I started to have doubts about my study and my ecducational trajectory, and I needed to get some things off my chest (also a lot of other ongoing...
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Yeah, no. This is my first official post on my own website, and I'm way too proud of figuring this out. It's staying in. Hi! Hello everyone! Yeah, so today I decided to push through with this website thing. I contemplated starting a blog for a few days now, and today I finally decided to just do it. Will anyone read it? Probably not. But I thought it might be...