Located near the mouth of the great Anadurna is a city. This is Ismarus, capital of Odyssa County. It is the second greatest trade city in all of Aenín, being responsible for the distribution of trade goods from the Seven Isles to the mainland and vice versa.
Odyssa is the south-easternmost county before the Aegaic Ocean. It is bordered by Tristan's Hills in the east, the Ocean in the south and the Anadurna in the west. Its capital lies on the ideal location, on the east banks of the mouth of the Great River.
It is a hub for travellers, with ship routes over the Anadurna and into the great Ocean, as well as the two major roads feeding into it. There is the one disappearing to the west, into Illion and Lirra, and the one running further into the east, the Eastlands Highway.
Notable Locations
Hall of Scales
A large, opulent building of grand marble, this hall is a hub for merchants and traders, as well as the headquarters of the Southern Federation in Ismarus.
Silver Griffin
An adventurer’s tavern run by a group of retired adventurers. It is always full of colorful characters and posters detailing new quests.
The Weave
The Weave has a somewhat large branch in Odyssa’s capital. They have many agents operating all throughout the city, but with some searching you might find yourself in their, uhm, ‘distribution center’. Find a restaurant called The Spy-glass. Ask for Allardyce Blyton.