Towns and Cities
- Galvia
- Daggerford
- Konos
- Nuada
- Meadow
- Hillbarrier, Willowby and Dareth
- Walddorn
- Twelve-on-the-Hill
- Haymarket
- Cerunnon
- Cloudfall
- Icewind
- Ömlo
- Sal-Surah
- Amahdina
- El Bahadem
- Kartif
- Abydos’
- Zephyron’s
- Chaeron Keep
- Vargvangr
- Broccstone
- Rabastan
- Farquar
- Grimborgen
- Ingvarna
- Wintermere’s
- Dead Man’s Cliffs
- Golden Mountains
- Stormcaller Peak
- Palace of Pearls
- Thar Amunora
- Lithian’s Ruins (Thar Amunora?/Sol Evede?)
- Fortress Thuldarnon
- Deep Sea crystal caverns of Tethyra
- Mountains of Madness
- Merovanon
- Narnmor
- Westland
- Abydos
- Zephyron
- Hedurna
- Narnmor
- Korgarok
- Radomir
- Ythorr
- Wintermere
- Flowershire
- Illion
- Lirra
- Chara
- Xarahad
- Map of Aenín
- Map of Si-Tahna
- Map of Eastern Aenín
- Map of the Dune Seas
- Map of the Seven Isles of Thrai
Other Realms/Planes of Existence
- The Abyss
- The Searing
- War Between Dwarves and Men
- Battle of Asmodor Fields
- Golden Age of Sorcery
- Fall of Sylvanion
- Belóna Campaign
The Great Unity
- The Great Unity
- War of Scorching Sun/Unity War
- Battle of Meloran
- Battle of Farquar
- General Tulquas
- Sultan al-Ankodim, the Elder
- King of Aenín, the Uniter
- Azrexius the Hollow
- Incaye (pseudodragon)
- Sasifix
- Individuals in The Weave
- Guladuran
- Allardyce Blyton
- Darrin ‘Four Fingers’
- Siora Luceri
- Monzen the Ever-Flowing
- Berengar the Vicious
- Anastasia Guinevra
- Boris Hammerhand
- Luke Curtis
Historic Figures
- Hero Tristan
- Olav Snurrison
- Anselm I of Aenín
- Trist Ulcer, the Cruel King
- Thedric the Conqueror
- Salazar of Cyreze
- Barûk the First
- Bravd the Golden
- Hadfala Peaceheart
- Raurag, Firelord of the Northern Plains
- Baalezul
- King Thanebrand II the Great
- King Durûk, son of Darûk, son of Daín, 54th lord of the Hold
- Alyssa Lorana
- Julius Guinevra
- Aldrin of Groth
- Roderic Briggman
- Padraig O’Malley
- Aliänna Goldmoon
- Errich Greenbottle
- Rodolfus Ansovald
- Erik Olavsson
- Knut Olavsson
- Tor Olavsson
- Dexter Swiftfoot
Groups & Creatures
- Southern Federation
- Camel Riders of Lower Chara
- The Fallen
- Icewind Council of Mages
- Coalition of the Brethren
- The Cabal
- Ghouls
Gods of Light and Life
- [healer goddess of light, haloes and goodness, like Sarenrae]
Dark Gods
- Molog, the One-eyed Warlord, Lord of Ruin, god of evil orcs
- … , They of the Thousand Faces
- Gmorakk, Father of Beasts, the Wild Warg, the Hunter in the Night
- Black Jas, the Pestilent One
- [god of death and undeath, dracolich?]
Non-Human Gods
- Illönna, elven nature deity
Archlords/-ladies of the Faewilds
- The Spring Empress, of Everlasting Beauty
- Mébh, the Warrior Queen
- Quercus, King Oak
- Jowa, Baron of the Soil
- Morgana, Lady of Enchantment
- The Emerald Huntress
Empty Names
- Ethedain (region?)
- Revelion (region?)
- Ghest
- Gauth
- Hallowed Heath (location)
- Eregis (ancient House? region?)
- The Mad King Osric (historic figure?)
- Tyrconell (place? name?)
- “Sgt Macy’s”
- El Gato Blanco
- Azaramander (deity?)