Tea and Castle

Where creativity meets comfort

Shimmervale Forest

North of Tristan's Hills there is a woodland called Shimmervale Forest. There is good magic here, and groups of wood elves live here protecting the forest. They go out in the forest to be merry, or to have hunting parties. They also have heavily influenced the town of Ithildris on the edge of the trees. A road goes through Shimmervale, but one does not need to fear when passing through. Halfway to or from Ithildris there is a small community of forest gnomes.

There are many unique species of plant and fungus that grow here. Examples of these include the Silver Willow, for which the forest got its name, or the Blue Witchcap mushroom that is known for its bewitching properties. However, one is advised to be careful while traveling off the road. The forest spirits do not take kindly to their homes being destroyed.



Waypointer Tree

The Waypointer Tree stands near the center of the forest, along the road that leads through. It is a thick tree whose large lower branches are nearly horizontal. Along these branches is writing in Druidic, nearly undetectable by those who do not know what to look for but immediately clear for those that do. The branches list many of the locations in Shimmervale, and point in their direction.

Witchcap Grove

Witchcap grove is formed by a large glade next to a large rock wall, which partially overhangs the clearing. It is known for being a place where the Blue Witchcap mushroom thrives. Be careful to harvest the mushrooms, for in the middle of the grove is a large, semi-sentient tree whose purpose it is to keep such people out.

Bear Cave

The home of a mother bear and her cub.

Melian Sanctum

Somewhere, in a patch of oak-wood, is a circle of large irregular stones placed at the hours of the clock. Most of them have been placed in ancient times, and it shows. Moss covers them and large swirls and runic marks are carved all over their design. This is a sacred place to the druids of the Order of Caelereth, and is one of their gathering places. It is also near the dwelling of Cynnan Melianmë, an archdruid of that order. He has a hut nearby, on top of which grows a gigantic oak.

Black Spot

The Black Spot is a sinister place of death in the otherwise peaceful woods. It is a strange blight on the land, transforming it with creeping vines that strangle the native flora and let even the air grow dark. Here plants grow with a malign sentience, giving the good spirits of Shimmervale a tough time.