Tea and Castle

Where creativity meets comfort

Silver Run River

The Silver Run is the large river that flows down from the Thera mountain range. It is named for the unnatural shine of its waters coming down from the mountains. It has many tributaries due to the hilly landscape it flows through.



These shining waters come down from the northern slopes of the Thera mountain range, flowing eastward through Odyssa county. The Silvercut Byway follows the Silver Run, leading away from the southern dwarven stronghold Rhûn and past the village Daggerford.

The River Steady then joins the Run from the Eastlands, before it reaches the city of Dunric. From there the river veers southward and enters Tristan's Hills, where Sionna Creek flows into the Run from the east. The land gets flatter as the river nears the Aegaic Ocean, and at it’s mouth sits Gellarney Port, the county capital of Merryville.