Tea and Castle

Where creativity meets comfort

List of Pages to be Added

Towns and Cities Galvia Daggerford Konos Nuada Meadow Hillbarrier, Willowby and Dareth Walddorn Twelve-on-the-Hill Haymarket Cerunnon Cloudfall Icewind Ömlo Sal-Surah Amahdina El Bahadem Kartif Capitals Abydos' Zephyron's Chaeron Keep Vargvangr Broccstone Rabastan Farquar Grimborgen Ingvarna Wintermere's   Locations Dead Man's Cliffs Golden Mountains Stormcaller Peak Palace of Pearls Thar Amunora Lithian's Ruins (Thar Amunora?/Sol Evede?)...

Aenín Wiki

Welcome to the The Aenín Wiki The Wiki for all stuff related to the fantasy world of , by its creator. What is Aenín? Aenín is a fictional world, built by me as a setting for all of my fantasy adventures. Lately I have been using it as a setting for a D&D adventure campaign I am DMing. Hence, some stuff on this wiki might be very D&D oriented, but I try to keep it as generic fantasy as possible. This Wiki describes everything from...